Student Testimonials:
“Sometimes you don’t get to talk to an adult 1:1 so it is really nice to have that time all about you with your ACE tutor.”
“It has helped me a lot, it’s brilliant, it makes me feel special!”
“It’s really good. It helps a lot! It helps empty out all the negatives- get rid of any worries.”
“I think it is good for everyone who sees an ACE tutor so they have someone to talk to about their worries.
Parent Testimonials:
“It has helped her to know there is someone there to talk to when she needs it. It’s nice for me too, to know that there is someone there for her at school so I don’t have to worry.”
“I love this scheme, well done all!”
Staff Testimonials:
“It has really impacted on her. She is so much more positive. She has really come out of herself and obviously thrives on having that 1:1 attention. ACE has given her more confidence at attempting her learning and in talking to a wider range of adults within the school.”
“It has definitely helped to develop their confidence. They are so excited to be part of the ACE programme!”