Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) Weeks

As an enhancement to our Safeguarding Curriculum, each year we draw together the many strands needed to equip every child with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding.  We call this time in the school year our ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) Weeks’.  These weeks are planned for February each year to allow the children to take part in the national events of Safer Internet Day and Children’s Mental Health Weeks.  We also use these weeks as an opportunity to deliver the NSPCC’s Speak Out Stay Safe Assemblies and where possible organise visitors to speak to the children.  In 2023, The Dogs Trust spoke to each class about staying safe around dogs.


Over the two weeks, we work as a school within the theme of ‘Always on my Mind’ to answer and solve two questions and a problem.

Question 1: What does it mean to be safe?

Question 2: How many different things can you think of that we do to keep ourselves safe? 

Problem: How can we make sure that the things we learn in these two weeks are remembered by everyone? 

The weeks begin with whole school feedback following our Governor Safeguarding focus groups and end with a sharing assembly, allowing us to further embed our safeguarding message.