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School Improvement Planning

We use our own school self-evaluation, (SEF),  to inform our school improvement planning. Our School Improvement Plan, (SIP), is then driven by: 

Our vision: To provide every child with a primary experience that best prepares them for their futures.

our impact statement: Children in all year groups will know more and remember more in each subject.

For 2022/23 our termly focuses are:

Autumn term focus is Maths

Spring term focus is Writing/Reading

Summer term focus is Reading/Writing


Each term there are stepped actions linked to the main focus and then other actions linked to different areas of development identified in the SEF. 

The SIP is supplemented with a timeline document which sets the weekly actions  and a maintenance list which identifies the ‘must-haves’ in each term. 

The actions are RAG rated half termly through a number of different measures. 

The school’s SIP is a working document and is updated at least half termly in line with the RAG rating. 

Progress against the actions in the SIP, including the RAG rating, is reported to the school governors and is monitored by the school’s TKAT Director of Education.