The Family Forum

At TPA we are committed to working in partnership with our families to provide the best learning opportunities for our children. 

The key purpose of the Family Forum is:

  • To develop a successful partnership between TPA and parents/carers in order to support and promote teaching and learning 

  • To give our parents/carers a voice in an informal setting, that will enable them to raise any general issues or concerns they may have

  • To provide a mechanism whereby the headteacher and the governors may consult and inform parents/carers of proposed policies and procedures

  • To act as an advisory and consultative body within our school

(The forum will not be used for individual complaints or issues. These should be addressed by contacting the school through office or class emails. The forum will not involve discussions about individual children, families or staff)

We are currently asking for your thoughts and ideas around attendance and punctuality - please see below: 


Our overall school attendance should be 96%+

Although we are generally near to this figure, we rarely exceed it and often sit between 92% and 95%.

If a child has below 90% attendance, this is considered to be persistent absence, (PA). 

The number of children in the school that fall into this category, do have a significant impact on our overall attendance.  

The measures that we currently have in place to address attendance are:

  • Attendance class of the week - announced in Friday celebration and the class are awarded extra break time in the following week

  • Gold, Silver, Bronze certificates handed out in the Autumn term linked to 100%, 98/99% and 96/97% attendance for first half of the Autumn term

  • Letters home to parents/carers where there is a cause for concern around their child’s attendance 

  • Medical evidence required by parents/carers for each time their child is absent if there is a significant cause for concern regarding their child’s attendance

  • Referrals made to WSCC when the cause for concern is not addressed or worsens



All children should be in school by 8.50am when the register is taken. The gates are opened at 8.35am and then closed and locked at 8.45am. There is then a five minute window for children to come in the main entrance. 

We do have a number of children that are persistently late for school and this gives them an unsettled start to the day. 

The measures we currently have in place to address punctuality are:

  • Parents/carers need to sign their child in at the office if they arrive after 8.50am with a reason for why their child is late

  • If a child arrives after 9.05am, they are then registered with an unauthorised absence for that morning session 

  • For children that are persistently late, a record of how much time they have missed from school over the course of a term/half term and the parents/carers receive a letter stating our concerns

  • Breakfast club is offered to parents/carers to help address any issues with getting their child into school on time

  • Referrals made to WSCC when the concerns are not addressed or worsen


So we are now asking you, our parents/carers, what we could be doing differently and what else we could be doing to make sure that everybody is making sure that their children are attending school every day, that they are well enough to do so and that they are arriving on time. 

Please let us know your thoughts and ideas around this issue by writing to: or by filling in this GOOGLE FORM

Please could we have any responses by Friday 15th March. 

We really appreciate you taking the time to respond to this and again we hope that by working together we can have a positive impact on all of our children’s education. 

Thank you.